My tv just went kaput. None of the channels are working. Well, that's a
bit more anxiety. So the cable company's out of commission? Jeez. The
problem with this war/retaliation is that everything is immediately
suspected of being something horrible. Maybe I just need a new tv. 

I now have two new battery-powered radios, with lots of batteries,
candles and matches, bottled water, canned food, batteries for my
portable cd player so I don't go nuts if there's no electricity at some
point, I've made my calls, I've settled my debts. I didn't get any duct
tape or plastic for the windows, but I did take the air conditioner out
because so much air comes in through that. If chemicals come through the
tightly closed windows, hmmm, dust from the WTC did so I guess chemicals
would, too... I'll deal with it then. This is not fun, and I'm not even
getting bombed on.

It may be time to take more seriously my get-out-of-town plan...

Debra Shea

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