> "They want you they need you
> They train you to kill
> To be a pin on some map
> Some vicarious thrill
> The old hate the young
> That's the whole heartless thing
> The old pick the wars
> We die in 'em
> To the beat of the beat of black wings"
> It was just SO powerful...to see these words being sung by someone who can express 
> it all...OK, I guess I'm belaboring the point. It's really hard for me to put into 
> words.

I keep hearing Helga, too, and picturing her as she sang, and her
movements became stiffer and stiffer. By the end of Black Wings it
looked like she was in such emotional and physical pain she was
immobile. Those lyrics could be sung with anger or indignation or
self-righteousness or resignation. There was none of that in this
performance. Instead, there was bewilderment, pain, vulnerabilty and
more pain. And, amazingly, not in an "emoting" way. It felt real. No
emotional distance. It went way beyond that one person singing and that
one person's feelings; it went into the current war, and even beyond
that into the suffering part of being human that most people put a lot
of effort into trying to deny. And then to have the lyrics of Love as an
attempt to heal that suffering...

Your tears make sense to me, Bob.

Debra Shea

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