Bob Muller wrote:

> There are lots of people who would love to have had a career in the arts as 
> she has had. Lots. Her talent and accomplishments have been recognized as 
> much as, if not more than, her peers. 

And her peers would be whom  ????

Moi, I think that Timothy White had it right when he called her peerless. 
Perhaps that is part of Joni's problem - being lumped in with (and in quite a 
few cases, getting later recognition than) those who clearly do not measure 
up to her in one area or the other (usually more than one area).

That said, I agree with Bob that she obviously craves recognition - IMO from 
the critics as the greatest artist of her time (has this ever been written by 
any critic yet in modern times ?), from her peers as the greatest of them all 
(this virtually never happens - although that title was tossed at Meryl by 
Gwenyth (sp ?) when the latter got her Oscar - and has de facto been 
conferred on Joni by David Crosby) and by the general public as the fairest 
of them all. These are mutually exclusive, IMO (especially the latter from 
the former two). 


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