gosh that brings back memories catherine!  i spent every summer of my
childhood on lake clear.  the fresh fish from the lake, picking of wild
berries, identifying bear holes, sitting on tree limbs that hung out over
the lake.  having to use the outhouse was a bit of a drag but ya got used to


-----Original Message-----
Catherine McKay
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:34 AM
Subject: re: sisotowbell lane

 I never lived there, but I lived in small-town
northern Ontario (northern by Toronto standards, but
not by Northern Ontario - capital N for a reason -
standards) 'til I was 12. We lived right on the edge
of town with free run of all the farmer's fields and
we'd disappear all day running around like maniacs out
there. If you went not too far out of town, there were
hills and woods. My Dad's company owned a cabin out in
the woods and we'd go there for weekends sometimes.
There was no electricity out there. At first the ight
came from kerosene lamps and the fridge was a real Ice
box - you'd have to go into the village and get a big
chunk of ice that would last a few days. There was a
big old wood stove - bacon and eggs never tasted
better than when they were made on the wood stove.
There was a gas-powered generator that was used for
getting running water from a well or maybe from right
out in the middle of the lake (which is most likely
polluted now, but it wasn't then.) You could walk
through the woods and pick blueberries, but you had to
watch out for bears. There were houses on the drive
upthere that could have been right out of the "dueling
banjoes" movie (for the life of me, the name escapes me)


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