On Sat, 16 Aug 2008, Dermot McNally wrote:

> I'd still favour my original suggestion - rather than group all of
> these new errors under the single label they now occupy, group them
> instead under their respective, detailed, labels. That keeps un-reffed
> road errors away from, say, typoed landuse errors. But ultimately,
> what I'm saying is "lose the tool tip", at least for information like
> this. A good rule of thumb here, would be that tool tips are good for
> followup information that might not be necessary in all cases, or for
> inexperienced users. But you shouldn't put data behind a tool-tip that
> is necessary in order to make use of the error message.

Hmm, maybe I add a third level. I think about it.

>> You can ignore them once and for all the time :-)
> I haven't yet worked out the full scope of the ignore option - but it
> doesn't seem to ignore all similar cases, only the specific object I


> have selected. In any case, some violations are things that you care
> about (like missing refs) but can't always do anything about. (like
> tertiaries, where it can be difficult to determine the correct ref).

Not in Germany. Here it is easy :-)

>> Don't know how make an ignore for specific tests in the test-set. But it's
>> a new feature. Give it some time to mature.
> For sure. Lest there should be any doubt, I really like what you've
> done here. I'm just struggling with aspects of how the results are
> output.

This was expectable. One of the problems is, that enabling individual 
tests is not possible.

> I'm not sure I see what you mean here. It doesn't matter to the user
> if a crossing way or unclosed area message isn't generated by the tag
> checker, even if another 30 messages are. Each violation message
> represents something that the mapper needs to review and either repair
> or accept in its current state. Do we really need to contain the
> tagchecker messages behind an overall label? Maybe there's a technical
> reason, but it feels unnecessary from a UI perspective.

On my screen I usually have 2-5 lines for the TagChecker. Yes - it is 
important to have not too many toplevel entries.

Ok, I will buy a new laptop soon, but that's no argument.

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