Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Generally I'd avoid long lines but we must take care not to make life 
> difficult for translators. Does it pose a problem for translation if
> one says
> tr("some " + "long " + "message")
> instead of
> tr("some long message")

As tr() is a static function that is called at runtime this should not 
make any difference.

> It is more important for us to have good and readable comments in the 
> code than generated HTML Javadoc. Nobody (as far as I am aware) uses 
> Javadoc with JOSM. 

Yes and no. No one uses the generated JavaDoc HTML pages, that is right, 
but todays IDE's like Eclipse do display help tooltips/panels that use 
the HTML syntax. E.g. I like the structured approach of <ul><li> lists 
and similar data.

> Of course it would be good to have all, but faced 
> with a choice I'd opt for good and readable comments instead of good and 
> readable Javadoc ;-)
 > If possible I would say the comments should not be touched by auto
 > formatting.

Until now it worked without formatting, therefore I agree that we can 
omit JavaDoc formatting for now (as well as formatting comments starting 
with // or /*

I created a style sheet, but it is a bit too large for the mailing list 
(27K). Therefore I created a new ticket and attached it.

The attached file is the exported version of the source code formatter 
style. If we agree on using it we can update the default values 
currently stored in ".settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs" within the 


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