On Tue, 13 Jan 2009, Raphaël Jacquot wrote:

What I don't understand - with your change and before - is that paint
speed seems to depend on the amount of data in the layer even if it's
outside the view.
That's to be expected. Even with a spatial index (AFAIK josm still
doesn't use one yet), looking up the objects inside a give bounding box
("the view") is dependant on the total number of objects. For example, a
2D-PR-Tree lookup is about O(sqrt(n)) [1], with n being the total number
of objects stored in the tree.

imho, we should use one, as O(sqrt(n)) is still much better than the
linear O(n) that josm currently requires to go through the entire set of
things that are available to be drawn

That is not so easy, because JOSM has no encapsulated data structures.

But when we get the O() reduced a lot, then it will get a lot faster as well. When optimizing not only the argument to O(), but the function itself is also important (This is what Ulf has successfully done and which has still some potential).

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