On 09/03/2009 11:40, Stefan Breunig wrote:
>> Would we lose anything by simply reinstating the old shift behaviour?
> Shift now prevents JOSM from re-using nodes, but still inserts nodes
> into existing ways. Old way to deal with this was to zoom in so the
> snap distance would be too large, then click, then zoom out again. Now
> you can just Shift-Click. If you wonder why one needs this, try to
> think if when you try to create a "T" crossing. There are sometimes
> nodes that make it more look like an "italic T" crossing, which is
> annoying. Since there were no free modifiers (ctrl: no re-using at
> all, ALT: start new way from current node) I figured it was best to
> remove SHIFT as double click is a good alternative.

>> The double click is too early. You've got to do it as you end the previous
>> way and if you forget, as is likely, you have to switch modes to recover.
>> It's not nearly as good. No objection to having it as well, but not instead.
> You can also just click the node you wanted to insert again.

OK, with that information I can now do everything I used to, though it 
still takes an additional click. And when you're ready to start another 
way, your attention is focussed elsewhere and I think I'll end up having 
to move the mouse back to the end of the previous path quite often. (If 
ESC or some such key did this too, would be useful?). But there's no 
indication you can repeat click, or indeed that you can double click.

I'm sure I can get used to it, but arbitrarily changing the user 
interaction does seem rather draconian, and needs a prompt somehow, 
somewhere. Once you know, you know. But until you know, it is very hard 
to find out.

I don't really get what you're taking about with how you've switched 
SHIFT to something else. Can you illustrate it some how. My feeling from 
your description is that if you're nowt zoomed in far enough to 
distinguish things, you probably don't know what you;'ll get so would 
have to zoom in anyway, but I'm probably misunderstanding what you said.

BTW, I do very much like the little insertion indicators that tell you 
what will happen next depending where you are hovering. The rubber band 
kind of did that before but it was very subtle to notice it snap.

It's a while since I updated my JOSM before last weekend, so I didn't 
know when these changes had happened.


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