
MP wrote:
>>  But as I said before, I don't currently consider OSM accounts to be a
>>  valuable asset. I have many of them and should one be compromised then
>>  I'll create another. Any account created anonymously from the web page
> They are not very valuable, but once someone start vandalising "in
> your name", they will blame you...

Even now someone could create an OSM account with the name 
"Frederik_Ramm" and use this to vandalise.

> Also there is some stuff tied to your account (list of friends, diary
> entries, uploaded GPX traces - I don't use these, but some people do
> .... then there are settings, watched OSM elements ....)
> And that stuff can be somewhat valuable for some people.

Mh. I forgot that OSM now is a social networking platform. Yes, I 
believe people are already using the messaging system to write love 
letters to each other. If we are trying to be an e-mail system then it 
is probably true that we have to be as secure as one ,-)


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