Lennard <l...@xs4all.nl> writes:

> On 8-4-2010 23:31, MP wrote:
>> No. This is where WMS tiles are cached. Slippy map chooser caches it
>> in temporary directory (/tmp on unixes, %TEMP% on Windows machines,
>> which is usually "C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Temp") and it
>> creates
>> "JMapViewerTiles_<Username>" directory there in which it stores the
>> cached tiles.
> On my machine, I can find them in:
> "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\JMapViewerTiles_%USERNAME%\Mapnik"
> The way the tiles are stored (all in a flat dir) makes any file 
> operations in the Windows Explorer (in XP) almost impossible, because it 
> incurs very long delays in processing the dir.
> Mine a few weeks after clearing: 41877 files, 174700223 bytes
> Fortunately, clearing them from the command prompt is still fast. I 
> wonder why they cannot be stored one dir per zoom, or in another hashing 
> format.

Because nobody has implemented that.

Under Linux this is usually not a problem because /tmp typically gets
cleaned out at boot time (at least on Debian it does).

I wonder if JOSM should delete the cached tiles on exit.

Is deleting the whole directory just as slow?


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