2010/7/2 Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>:
> On Fri, 2 Jul 2010, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> I have the idea that caching actually doesn't work, at least my
>> cache-Folder is completely empty (but I have pictures on the screen
>> right now).
>> Can anyone confirm that it works? What is the meaning of the
>> caching-variable in prefs.?
> For me it works as expected. Probably you turned it off?

Maybe it requires a restart of JOSM after changes in the config are made?

> Which ones exactly? At least one allows to set the size of the cache (in
> bytes/numbers). Which OS?

OS: Ubuntu 10.04
Is there any documentation on the setting variables online?
(Cache-expire, is this seconds?) The numbers for size are in bytes? I
couldn't find it in the wiki.


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