On Thu, 7 Jul 2011, Florian Lohoff wrote:

The "defaults" do not work. This is the same as when one of the
elements would have the tag with a value. In this case defaults
would not be applied as well.

"Default" means "try to guess what user wants". Guessing should be
used with care and this is what josm does.

But when pressing the addr preset its obvious that a pure building=yes
should be on the line as the preset does not touch/add/remove or interacts
with this tag. But refusing an obvious choice of offering the last
city/postcode/street the user entered is - oem - a strange decision.

It is obvious to you as experienced human. For a computer (or even a novice user) this is not obvious. It would need a lot of coding to specify which tags are whole independend, which influence one another, ... Thus we have choosen the current variant which means a simple and understandable rule: Only use defaults when not already tagged.

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