
On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 04:44:35PM +0200, Dirk Stöcker wrote:
> And please note:
> JOSM is no commercial software and we don't think about or document
> every effect a change may have to users. If you want this you either
> need to pay for it or start to help in development.

Dirk - You are doing great work - i just tell you that changing a default
may have huge impact on peoples workflow and this has bitten at least me
and 3 collegues in my office who stopped adding addresses and updated
josm every day to check whether bug was fixed.

> Release 4064 is used by approx 65% of people for about 2 months now
> and you are the first complaining about this issue, so it can't be
> that important.

See above - My collegues have simply stopped adding addresses or in one
case started with ctrl-c ctrl-shift-v on the building outlines. All of
them said josm was broken in respect to address templating. My guess is
that seeing no complain does not mean everythings okay ...

> If you want to have more respect to your personal opinion:
>  * start helping in development, documentation, ...
>  * donate (server space, money, ...)

Please check mailinglist archives. I guess i am in the top 5 people donating
server space in the past, coding (not necessarily on josm because i
dislike java) etc. I stopped with server hosting because my employee closed
this facility but thats a different story.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
„Für eine ausgewogene Energiepolitik über das Jahr 2020 hinaus ist die
Nutzung von Atomenergie eine Brückentechnologie und unverzichtbar. Ein
Ausstieg in zehn Jahren, wie noch unter der rot-grünen Regierung
beschlossen, kommt für die nationale Energieversorgung zu abrupt.“
Angela Merkel CDU 30.8.2009

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