On 12/15/2011 5:44 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
Recently the JOSM presets changed for fax, phone, website, email (old
keys) to contact:fax, ...

When was this decided? IMHO "website" is not even a
"contact"-information in the first place, and looking at actual usage
208 408 website
7 116 contact:website

it seems strange to me that this was changed.

The latest code seems to have 'contact', and 'contact (New schema)' as a choice. I would hope that we don't change all presets to the new schema without some major research first - I see that Restaurant for example still uses the regular schema.

The Wiki sounds authoritative that the new schema is official and the old one is deprecated. I used the new schema for a while until I discovered that virtually NONE of the data consumers recognize the new schema. "Data Consumer" is an iPhone app where you call up the POI and click on the phone number or web site to contact them (and that to me, makes contact:website a legitimate contact). I've since converted all my data to the previous, popular tagging since that's the only way it is of any use to anyone.

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