On Jan 8, 2012 8:31 AM, "Morten Olsen Lysgaard" <mor...@lysgaard.no> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I've created a plugin that lets you create geometry based on lat lon
> coordinates.
> It's like a beefed up version of the "Add Node" tool.
> It takes a list of coordinates in text form, and then created a set of
> nodes, a way or a closed way depending on what you want.
> Right now it can only add new geometry, but i plan to let it change
> existing geometry by letting you select a feature first and then
> using the tool.
> The reason i made this is that I need it for my aviation project where
> airspaces often are defined by coordinates.
> I figured the tool also could be good for OpenStreetMap, there probably
> are things other than airspaces that are defined by
> coordinates.
> I'd like to have this plugin in the JOSM SVN. What is required of me/it
> to get that?

I think this would fit in with utilsplugin2. Make a patch and attach it to
a ticket.
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