
>> You will also find that reflected in the code, where more often than
>> not, we prefer a simple implementation over one that you would be taught
>> in a Java development course. We need to keep the learning curve down so
>> even people who are not Java developers can write a plugin without first
>> learning how to use the latest cool technologies or design patterns.
> You did a very good job in any case. JOSM is certainly one of the main
> editors for OSM (if not the most important editor). But OSM is becoming
> increasingly important. And JOSM is also becoming increasingly
> important. Is it not then important to use modern architecture?

Not necessary. JOSM and also the JOSM build system is upgraded whenever it
becomes necessary. In any of these cases the benefits need to be higher
than the drawbacks.

For example there are constant requests from individual people to move SVN
to git. While git surely has certain advantages, a change would require a
lot of work and git also has also a lot of disadvantages. Until now nobody
could actually give me a single reason why we NEED git.

Also we have currently a release model (branchless feature freezes for one
week every month) which is known to have flaws and there are models proven
to be better. But for our small group of developers it currently works
really good. Only when it does no longer work we'll change it.

The same applies to your ideas. One day we may change, when there is a
need to do so, but until now ant does all it should do even if I myself
never liked it. When starting new, then probably ant would not be the
choice to go, but the project already exists and works.

It is like cmake and autoconf/automake. Nowadays using the GNU tools and
not cmake for new software would be a strange decision. But I also would
not change existing software.

> Yes, what is simple? A makefile? Ant? Not for me. Today is a makefile or
> a ant-build no longer "easy".

It is easy in the form that you simply install the build software and call
"ant" and you have a working result.

If I compare that with other projects I'm involved where I need to install
dozens of software packages and do a lot of configuration before I even
have a little chance to build the software it is very easy.

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