
I tried to simplify and re-organize the Wiki main page.

Due to the spam filter, I cannot create a new temporary Wiki page (e.g.,
WikiStartNew) to view, improve, discuss the new page. For this reason, I
attached the WikiText. Perhaps someone with a higher level of confidence
of not introducing spam, can create a Wiki page.

Any improvements, suggestions, comments are welcome :-)

= Java !OpenStreetMap Editor =

<div style="float: left; margin: 15px;">

JOSM is an extensible editor for [http://www.openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap] 
(OSM) written in [http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ Java] 1.6.

== [[Download]] ==

|| ||= OS Independent =||= 
[http://www.java.com/en/download/faq/java_webstart.xml Web Start] =||= Browser 
=||= Windows =||= Mac OS X =||= Ubuntu, … =||
||= **tested** [[Version(tested)]] =|| **[/josm-tested.jar jar ]** || 
[/download/josm.jnlp jnlp] || [/applet applet] ([wiki:Applet description]) || 
[/download/windows/josm-setup.exe setup.exe] ([wiki:USB_Stick portable]) || 
[/download/macosx/josm-macosx.zip package.zip] || [[Download|here]] ||
||= latest [[Version(latest)]] =|| [/josm-latest.jar jar] || || || || || 
[[Download|here]] ||
||= older =|| [/download/ download] || || || || || ||

 * **Which version should I use?** (see also: [wiki:Releases release system])
   * ''tested'' is released approx. monthly and shouldn't contain severe bugs
   * ''latest'' is released daily, may have more errors
   * If possible, use the Web Start version in order to automatically update. 
(Note that there are fairly regular updates, so always try running a recent 

 * For troubles during installation, look at the [[InstallNotes]] page
 * For more options, see [[Download]]

 * **What has been changed recently?**
   * [wiki:StartupPage startup notes] (most important changes)
   * [[Changelog|summarized changelog]] (nicely summarized)
   * [/log/?verbose=on SVN changelog] (very detailed)

== Extensions == 
 * [[Image(/svn/trunk/images/preferences/plugin.png,link=wiki:Plugins,24px)]] 
**[wiki:Plugins]** ([[Help/Preferences/Plugins|installation instruction]])
 * [[Image(/svn/trunk/images/dialogs/propertiesdialog.png,link=wiki:Presets)]] 
**[wiki:Presets]** (installation instruction)
 * [[Image(/svn/trunk/images/dialogs/mapstyle.png,link=wiki:Styles)]] 
**[wiki:Styles]** (installation instruction)
 * [[Image(/svn/trunk/images/imagery_menu.png,link=wiki:Maps)]] **[wiki:Maps]** 
([[Help/Preferences/Imagery|installation instruction]])
 * something missing? Requests for new features can also be made via 
[/newticket trac] or via the JOSM developer mailing list 
([mailto:josm-dev@openstreetmap.org josm-dev@openstreetmap.org])

== Getting Started | [[Help]] ==
 * Comprehensive introduction on the [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM 
OpenStreetMap wiki].
 * The official '''[wiki:Help help system / documentation]''' (can be reached 
with <F1> from within JOSM).
 * Tutorial on [http://en.flossmanuals.net/openstreetmap/editing-with-josm/ 
 * Some [wiki:TutorialVideos video tutorials] (mostly outdated)
 * Ask members of the OpenStreetMap community on
    * the [http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=54 OSM-forum]
    * various [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mailing_List OSM 
mailinglists] (e.g. [http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk talk] and 
[http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/newbies newbies], 
[http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/ list overview])
    * the [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IRC OSM IRC channel]
 * [wiki:HowTo Howtos]

== Found a bug? | Have an idea? | Make a suggestion? ==
 * Please report any bug found:
   Create a [/newticket new ticket]. When reporting a bug, please include the 
version (version number can be found in menu [wiki:Help/Menu/Help Help]/ 
[wiki:Help/Action/About About]).
 * Discuss ideas and suggestions also in the [/newticket bug tracker] or on the 
[http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev josm-dev] mailinglist


== Development ==
 * View the [[Changelog|summarized changelog]] or the [/log/?verbose=on SVN 
changelog]. Major changes are noted in the [wiki:StartupPage JOSM startup 
 * Download the '''[/josm-latest.jar latest JOSM]''' version 
[[Version(latest)]] (may have more errors than "tested", be careful with this 
 * Get the source:
   * From the official Subversion repository (recommended): {{{svn co 
   * From the unofficial [http://github.com/openstreetmap/josm GitHub mirror]: 
{{{git clone git://github.com/openstreetmap/josm.git}}}
   * From the official OSM Subversion repository (including plugins): {{{svn co 
http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/editors/josm josm}}}
 * See [wiki:DevelopersGuide Developers Guide] or [wiki:Translations 
Translations Guide]
 * The Ubuntu JOSM project on [https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/josm 

== How to help ==
 * [wiki:DevelopersGuide Help developing code] (e.g. write patches for entries 
in [/report bug tracker])
 * Review bugs in [/report bug tracker]: find duplicates, test bugs and add 
more descriptive texts
 * [wiki:Translations Translate] JOSM and the online help into your language.
 * Update and translate the [wiki:Help online help]
 * Unify and translate all JOSM related Wiki pages and join them with the 
online help
 * Review translations
 * Review original texts (program, online help, ...)
 * Create fancy new icons for presets or tools without icons
 * ...

== This site ==
 * This site is a combined online help and bug tracking system for JOSM and 
JOSM plugins
 * No login is required to use this site (neither for reading nor for changes 
to wiki or bug tracker)
 * A login has following advantages:
  * The JOSM applet can store settings on the server
  * Mails are sent for changes in own bug tracker tickets (This is possible 
also by entering an e-mail as username in the tickets, but you are unable to 
change that later and the address is openly visible).
  * Page settings are remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other 
 * Logins which have no e-mail address or which have not been used at least 
once are automatically deleted.
 * The login to edit the OpenStreetMap database has nothing to do with this 
 * '''NOTE: The secured HTTPS version of this site uses a 
[wiki:ServerCertificate self-signed certificate] with 
26:8B:4D:CB:AD:04:E7:50:EC:94:F8:34:83:CE:7C:06:8D:FD:61:3D as SHA1 
fingerprint.[[BR]]You need to [wiki:ServerCertificate accept] this certificate 
as valid to silence the warnings of your browser.'''

== Contact ==

 * For problems, ideas, suggestions use the [/newticket bug tracker]
 * The volunteers creating JOSM can be reached using the 
[http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev josm-dev] mailinglist
 * The server running this service is operated by 
[http://www.fossgis.de/impressum.html FOSSGIS] society

josm-dev mailing list

Reply via email to