On 04/03/2012 04:34 PM, Simon Legner wrote:
> Hi!
> On 03/04/12 16:25, Paul Hartmann wrote:
>> (and maybe the webstart option, but I'm not sure it needs to be
>> recommended that much)
> I think it should. On the FOSSGIS I met a few people using a very
> outdated version of JOSM (half to one year old) because they didn't care
> about updating. This comes for free when using Web Start. Are there
> disadvantages?

The problems I remembered with Java Web Start seem to be outdated. In
fact the cache/update mechanism is quite nice. The only disadvantage I
can see at the moment is missing console output and worse desktop

When we have Autoupdate options for the Windows installer, this should
significantly reduce the outdated versions in use.

>> There is no
>> need to link to the latest development version from the main page.
> Are there any usage statistics "tested vs. latest"? When sticking to the
> table, I'd keep the row for the latest version as it shows the current
> revision number and may be useful for some people.

I'm not insisting on this. But if someone isn't interested in all the
options and just wants to use the software, the layout should be clear
and simple.

* -> Webstart
Win -> Win installer
Mac -> Mac installer
(Ubuntu -> Ubuntu package)
Other -> jar file

In the current draft (v. 5) I'm missing the link to the advanced
Download options. This line could contain the "latest" version. E.g.

"Current development version (5161), Ubuntu package repository and other
Download download options."


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