On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Bob Hawkins <bobhawk...@waitrose.com> wrote:
> I use Microsoft Windows on my PC. I discovered a folder this morning in my 
> Local SettingsTemp folder titled JMapViewerTiles_Bob in which there were a 
> further six folders: Bing Aerial Maps, ITO OSL, Mapnik, OOC OS 1_25K, 
> OpenStreetMap and OS OpenData StreetView. They contained 25,000 files in 
> total, over half of which were in Bing Aerial Maps. Some files date from late 
> 2010, the others from late 2011. I joined OSM in May 2008 and have 
> contributed edits to its mapping since August 2008 using JOSM. I suspect the 
> files relate to WMS and Imagery Preferences in JOSM but do not understand if 
> it is I or an introduction into JOSM itself that has caused them to be 
> created since those dates. Is there no alternative now but to regularly 
> remove the files from the Temp folder?

Yes, these are tile caches used by JOSM when you have a TMS imagery
layer active. I thought it was limited to 2 GB per layer but that must
have been an old setting that has been done away with because I have
over 12 GB of bing tiles cached. You can clear the cache by right
clicking in the map and using the "Flush tile cache" option in the
context menu. That will clear the cache for the currently visible
imagery layer. You can also change where the cache is stored in your
preferences under the WMS/TMS "Settings" tab.


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