Dear friends,

Sorry for the delay, I was busy. By the way our discussion about Salvation 
is to be concluded, instead of leading to more confusion and 

As per the Catholic view, Salvation is not restricted only for Christians or 
Catholics. There are more people in this world who dont know the real 
Savior of the world, not because of their own fault (not the mere historical 
knowledge about Jesus but the experience of His love). But God works even in 
them through their conscience. That doesnt mean we are free from our 
responsibility to preach the Good News. Our mentality towards the gentile 
society should be changed, as many of us still believes they are straight on 
their way to the hell, because they havent accepted Jesus as their Savior.

The Catholic way of interpreting a Bible verse is different than many other 
denominations. It is better to read atleast a whole chapter instead of 
taking one sentence from here and there and explain it by its literal 
meaning without considering the circumstances, contexts etc. From Billy 
Grahams answer (I respect him as a sincere preacher of Jesus) quoted Eph 
2-8, salvation is by faith alone and not through our good works, would lead 
us to confusion. This is based on  Martin Luthers doctrine of  Sola fide 
(Means salvation is possible by faith alone).

But if you read the whole chapter, you could see St. Paul explaining further 
about circumcision. At that time the early church faced a big problem on the 
issue of  Circumcision. The Jewish Christians argued for Circumcision as a 
must for salvation even for converted gentile Christians. Even some of the 
disciples were supporting that idea. Here by explaining not by works he 
meant mainly Circumcision. Otherwise Pauls statement would be as against of 

Please read the following passages (including the whole chapter) written by 
the same Paul: -

Rom 2:6-13, says for He will render to every man according to his works

1 Cor 13: 2-13, he said love is more important than faith and hope. True 
love is to be shown through our good works.

2 Cor 5-10, ..each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has 

Again James 2: 14-26, faith without work is dead. (Luther in beginning 
avoided the letter of James from his new Bible, because of this statement, 
but later he added it)

Listen the teaching of Jesus. When a rich young man asked Jesus how to 
receive salvation Jesus told him not to  just believe in me, you will be 
saved but to keep the commandments (works including faith). When the man 
replied that he is keeping all commandments, Jesus asked some more works 
from him. (Mt. 19-16)

In explaining about the last judgement Jesus never asked  did you believe 
in me? but He will very much ask you, did you feed me when I was hungry 
(works), did you give me drink when I was thirsty (works), did you help me 
when I was stranger (works), did you clothed me when I was naked (works), 
did you visit me when I was sick (works), or when I was in prison (works). 
(Mt. 25: 35-46)

WorkworksworksYour good works are very much important in attaining the 
eternal salvation. Your Praise the Lord and Hallelujah (proclamation of 
faith) wont help you unless if it is not supported by your good deeds.

So according to the Catholic view, Salvation is possible by the grace of 
God, through our faith and good works.

I think this is enough, sorry if anybody has been wounded.

sebastian / Kuwait

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