Dear Friends in Christ,

The following are the thanksgivings and prayer requests of this week.
Send in your prayer requests and Thanksgivings to

Love and prayers,

Fred / Bangalore.

Rajeev G: My father's heart operation is over without any complication.
Thanks for your prayers.

Alexy Pallan: My wife Shiney Alexy delivered a baby girl on  13th July.
Normal & safe delivery.  Praise God!  Thank U for your prayers.

Isaac: Thank you all for praying for me.

Welchy: My Friend Anand is doing well by God's grace. He has been
discharged from the hospital & is now at home though still weak. Bro
Sylvester from the Legion Of Mary is doing well too. Both say it's only
prayers that worked for them & have thanked all for their prayers.

Francesca Khouw thanks each and everyone who prayed for her intentions.

Joby: For the success of the new business venture and also for my exams.

Cuckoo: Please pray for Beena George, our family friend who had
undergone a major heart surgery.

Manisha D'silva: for my results and also I want to know the
will of god for my life.

Lini: Please pray for my brother Linoy's engineering first year exams.

Sajith Kumar S:
For my life partner and settling in life according to God's plan. For my
GMAT exams and for my work to progress well. Pray that I may fulfill my
parent's wishes with lot of love.
For the speedy recovery of my uncle who had a heart attack recently and
also for his family members.
For my brother who is looking out for a job. Also for my friend's
daughter who is not well.

Sinthuja Martin: For my BE final semester exam results and also for my
uncle Ravi who is very sick.

Jom Jose: For a better job & peace of mind and life.

Joshi Thomas: Please pray for my brother John who had a heart attack
last week.

Lizy Joseph: For my the speedy recovery of my father who is admitted in
a Hospital. His BP is very high.

Elvis Mathias: Please pray for our university exams that the Holy Spirit
may be with us always. Also please pray for our prayer group that has
started in Manipal.

Anup S Kudakasseril: Our dear Dr.Scott's mother is suffering from
Carcinoma of the ovary and had underwent surgery for that. Pls pray for
her speedy recovery.

Bennet: To get through my degree exams.

Shirly: to lessen the financial debt.

Areis: Please pray that this world puts and end to prostitution. Also
please pray for all the politicians that they may give importance to
human welfare and justice.

Manisha Dsilva: our family is in heavy financial debts please do pray
for us.

Emmanuel Parathazham: Please pray that I may know the love of God and be
able to love everyone like he did.

Rose John: Please pray for my friend Geena's safe delivery.  She has
some B.P and the scanning report says there is some problem for the
baby. She is worried about the health of the baby. Please pray for a
normal delivery and for the health of the baby.

Maduragini: for good health of my brother who stays in abroad and for my

Babu Joseph: Please pray for my wife and children that we may recover
from the financial crisis that was caused due to my  Stock Market
gambling. Please pray that I may live a life according to God's will.

Isaac: Please pray for Lalitha, a lady who is suffering from Cancer. She
is a Hindu who believes in Jesus Christ.

Suman: Please pray for my brother Sudeep that he unite back with the
family in love. Please pray that he accepts Jesus as his master and

Vivien McDonald: Please pray for the work of Youth 2000 worldwide.

Sebastian: Please pray for one Thomas from Cochin, admitted in a
Hospital Kuwait, very serious. He is in his twenties, both Kidneys
failed to function also having pneumonia, dialysis is continuing.

DENSIL VINCENT: I am based in Dubai. Recently got a new job My visa
needs to be changed without a ban of 6
months. Please pray for me to get an NOC from the old company.

Sherry: For my emotional maturity and healing.

Welchy: Pls keep my granny in your prayers. She is physically &
emotionally in a bad shape.

Linjo: my friend Jomon's wife is pregnant. please pray for her.

Eddy: A relative, Philo, of mine is diagnosed of a malignant growth in
the uterus. Her BP, blood sugar, etc. have shot up. Please pray for
Philo and her family.

Pradeep Joseph: Please pray that God may give my life partner that he
has chosen for me. Also kindly pray that I may be able to use all the
God given gifts and build a good career.

Please pray for my father who has bad habit of gambling and drinking.
Please pray that the Lord touches his heart and shows him the right
direction and solves all his problems.
Please pray to the Lord to heal my mother who has a ear problem, and
also to heal her from here Thyroid and tension problems.
Please pray for my sister who is tensed due to all the problems faced at
home, may God give her the courage and strenght to face life.
Please pray for my Fianci, so that he does well in life and pray for
good understanding between us.

Fatima Sharmila: Please pray for my friend Andrea who has left to Texas.
Pray for her safe journey. Please pray she will be used as powerful
instrument for Glory of God.

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