Probably all of us remember this question Jesus asked Peter three times.
Some time back I read in a book about doing things for Jesus out of love for
Him. It set me thinking,"Do I really love Jesus?" "What does it mean to love
Jesus?"  "Does doing things for Jesus mean I love Jesus?"
"If you love me,you will obey my commandments"_that's what Jesus said. I
remember,as a child,one of my favourite words to my brother used to be,"If you
love me,you will do------" to make him do things for me. But is LOVE the only
thing that drives us to do things?What about fear? Was n't that the driving
force before Christ came into the picture?Why did the Pharisees strive to keep
the Law?
It reminds me of a story:
A man had a dream.He saw two angels, one holding a bucket of water and the
other a bucket of fire. The man asked them what they were going to do.One of
them replied,"We are on our way to quench the fires of Hell and burn down all
the mansions in Heaven;then we'll wait and see how many people will live good
lives on earth!"
I have been very grateful to the Lord but I don't think I have loved Him like
I love my parents or brother or husband. I wanted to have that "feeling" or
emotion for Jesus.I have been praying for more of it in my life and I believe
I have some of it now. I am also reading the Gospels intently to get to know
Him better.
"I know My sheep and My sheep know Me". I am on my way to knowing my Good

Love n prayers
Annie Berly/Cochin/India

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