The Rex Band has completed the recording of around 290 songs in the Sing
Alleluia book for helping the Prayer groups  to learn the songs.. The
orchestra track will be available for the English songs.. We will come out
with a video recording of around 35 commonly used action songs also soon. The
new Rex Band co-ordinator Manoj Jons David ( Our web Director) is busy with
the final editing of all these. He will come back to you with more details
(no. of cassettes/cds, rates etc..) soon..Please remember this is not a
professional venture and the cassettes and the CDs are not for general sale.
But to order your copies please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am leaving for a 10 day trip to Gujarat( All Gujarat  leader's training) and
Delhi (Fulltimer's training) today..
Please keep me in your prayers..
With love and Prayers,
 Manoj Sunny

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