Hello Family,

As i shared yesterday,i used to calculate exactly the 10%of all my income 
,not only salary,and give every month;and was pretty happy.But one day some 
thing crossed my mind,is God a pauper that i 'm settling Him with just 
10%?!!!If somebody were to give me 1000Rs and if i invite that person for a 
coffee worth 10 Rs or say a lunch worth 100RS,is that a favour to him? So i 
prayed " Lord,Whatever i've is yours and help me to love you with all my 
heart..and all my soul....and also with all my money."And ever since i try 
to do it to my level best.All glory to God.And i should say that i've seen 
so many of our elders and fellow JY dedicating much, even whole ,of their 
money ,energy and time,without any measure in the work of the Lord.Praise 
the Lord.At this juncture let's remember the word of the Lord..

      "...Dare a man ROB God?yet you're robbing me!And you say, "How do we 
rob you?" In tithes and in offerings!You're indeed accursed,for you, the 
whole nation,rob me.Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,that there may 
be food in my house,and TRY ME IN THIS,says the Lord of the hosts:shall i 
not open the floodgates of heaven ,to pour down blessings upon you without 
                                    -Malachi 3:8-11.

Once when this topic was discussed in a famous prayer group,i was  surprised 
when i heard that only a few there give tithing regularly !
The reason ,one elder spoke out,is that its easy to give 100 Rs when you've 
1000,but when its 10,000 or 100,000,'simply' to give out 1000Rs or 10,000Rs 
becomes difficult! But the Lord says its robbing him.Let us always pray that 
we be given the courage to TRY Him in this.

After this incident ,my husband told me "It's high time that we should stop 
giving tithing.." To my surprise he added, "why don't we start to set apart 
atleast 15% from this month onwards?" I was so happy.Even though we had 
atleast 7000$ debt at that time we started a separate AC for tithing that we 
won't take from it even unknowingly.And the Lord showed us that 'He has 
taken a note of it' with an incident ,even before we started to do 
that.Chaettai got some money extra from the company that month itself for 
recruiting some employees ,that too after paying the tax(In USA ,we've to 
give 30-33%of whatever income we get as tax).And that amount was 15% of his 
income!!!!!!!!!!And in our life we can say with a greatful heart 
that,whenever we've financial difficulties (even now),the Lord God has 
always opened the 'flood gates of heaven'.Alleluia.

I know many of you've such stories,since many of our friends shared such 
stories after they decided to give their tithing regularly.I know a 
friend,who after giving already the tithing for that month,when another need 
came,took loan from his next month's tithing!

When i hear of the debts we've in JY,I always wonder,if all the supposed to 
be JY were able to pledge atleast a tithing of their tithing regularly,or 
tithing atleast once in a year for Jesus Youth,we will be having surplus.It 
will also enable us to think about more creative investments with that 
money.Than to run everywhere for money after programmes.

Let us also try not to forget that what we 're today is the fruit of the 
investment of many....their money,energy and TIME.
Yeah time also is money.Why don't we think about giving atleast 10%of our 
time also for the Lord's work.That means 10 years if we were to live 100 

   "..then all nations will call you blessed,
      for you'll be a delightful land,
      says the Lord of hosts."
                              -Malachi 3:12.

In JOY ful communion with Jesus,

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