Dear friends in Jesus

I like to share with you my experiences on tithing and
the blessings which I received in my personal life.

After I came to renewal, I had started to set apart my
share to God, there were times when I was without a
job in Abu Dhabi, I used to get some money from my
father who was working here, I used set apart from
that money to God, when you give to God in your
poverty sure God will bless you. I was without a job
for 8 month in Abu Dhabi. When I working in one
company they were paying only a small amount I set
apart for God from that one also. Once God gave me the
grace to set apart my whole salary for his kingdom.

To be more brief whenever you have less or more when
you give to God your share and set that as a first
priority, he will open the gates of heaven shower
blessings in personal and family life.

Even now I have financial responsibilities but I give
My God his share so that one who have surplus can help
the one who in need and God will help you in your

With love & Prayers


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