Once a priest told in a retreat, the church doesnt teach drinking alcohol 
is sin. Many people clapped by this statement. The same priest told, 
tithing is an Old Testament law. Jesus never told us tithing. The above 
priest was a famous scholar and a professor in one famous seminary.

The above statements are good for Priest students. Because we should not 
have an attitude on the drinking people as if they are great sinners. Many 
of them are weak and broken hearted. Also we cant insist others to pay 
tithes, especially the poor. But when you talk it in public, even the 
non-drinkers may start drinking and rich people may stop tithing.

If Jesus never told about tithing, it is not an escape for the rich. He used 
more strict words for them. He said it is difficult for rich to get in to 
heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle (Mt 19-24). In the 
parable of Lazarus and rich man, the rich man was punished not because any 
serious sin, but for not sharing his wealth and comforts with the poor 

The church may not be able to make a list of all human doings right or 
wrong, considering the customs, climate, health etc. But the Holy Spirit 
will teach you what is right and what is wrong. Many people even dont touch 
alcohol after attending Charismatic retreats. Even non-Christians find wrong 
in drinking. Alcohol is a sin (Aram) for a Moslem. Even the law of the state 
teaches us Smoking, drinking are injurious to health.

We should not teach in public that drinking is not a sin, even though it is 
not listed as a sin in church doctrines. Because it has a double meaning, 
that if it is not a sin, it would be a right thing to enjoy. That is danger. 
We could use the word bad habit that wont hurt any drunkard, at the same 
time will help him to know the seriousness of drinking. Dear church fathers, 
please correct me if I spoke wrong.


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