God bless you all.

Dear friends,

There were five girls in a family and no brothers.
They were very poor. When rain comes, the rooms are
filled with water. The room floor was furnished not
with cement... it was with cow don. Their father was a
tailor, an ex-military, very loving. People call him
'Ashaan' and as most of the ex-service man he was also
an addict to alcohol. Their mother sometimes makes
brooms and 'shades' from coconut leaves and earns
money. She was a strong follower of Jesus and lead her
five girls in that way. Some times they walked from
'Mamangalam' to 'High Court' to attend Holy Mass. Most
of the days their father drunk too much before closing
shop and coming home, sometimes somebody helped him to
come. They wait for him to get money to buy rice to
make 'kanji', (forget about 'curry' they didn't even
dreamed about it) but most of the days they don't get
money from him and slept with empty stomach, if they
got also it was not enough to feed all the five. So
the eldest girl and her mother had no food for days.
He spoiled whole money by drinking brandy and last he
sold his shop. But with God's grace now they all are
married. The eldest one is Rosey Varghese and now she
is Mrs. Rosey Antony.

Her son started drinking when he was teen.
Unfortunately he got the first 'cheers' from christian
life community members (C.L.C.). He never wend home
after drinking. So she never recognised it.

One day night her son drank 'Vodka' and came home.
With previous experiences she quickly found that her
son drank. Next day morning she told her above story
with tears. I said "Ammachi... I will never do this
again". A small hug and a kiss changed my life. (It is
long story. I made it short).

How can I say drinking alcohol is good even if it is
only moderate? I have more to share about this from my
life... about my friend who is killed. About my uncle
whose liver is like a mosquito net and more... But I
am not interested to write, this all will put me in
tears. God bless you all.

With lots of lov & prayers
Smiju joseph, abu dhabi

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