I wrote the mail out of frustration on seeing the hypocrisy. One one =
side, we exhort everyone to stop drinking. The church took initiative to =
close toddy shops in the coastal region of Kerala. All of our retreat =
centres teach us to abhor liquor.

And on the other side, we support "MODERATE" drinking.

Isn't this plain hypocrisy???

Dear JPM, I dont claim to be a person who is all holy.......... I dont =
claim to be someone who follows the Bible word by word..... But cant I =
take a stand, a rather strong stand on something that has been proved to =
be disastrous??? Something I really know is bad......=20

I am not here to judge a person. I am judging a vice. I am judging a =

Nobody started drinking inorder to be a drunkard..... Nobody ever =
thought that they would ever become addicted.... Everyone started in =
MODERATION........ And just see where they stand.......=20

We dont need the Bible to say that drinking is something that must be =
avoided completely. Just look around us...... All we can see is ruin. I =
have seen my friend's family getting shattered because of his father's =
drinking. Has drinking led to ANY good???

Then WHY in the world do we stand for MODERATE drinking???

JPM, look, this is not about judging a person. It is about judging =
something that is bad, really bad......

A person who has gone through the ill-effects of drinking will never =
support moderate drinking.

JPM, if you really know the hazards of drinking, will you ever tell your =
child, "My son, I wont tell you not to drink. It is a matter of personal =
choice. I give you free will. You can try it out". Do tell me your =

When we know something is wrong, do we have to stand against it, or =
should we change our stance because of something a priest said???=20

JPM, I still stand by my convictions.


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