Dear friends,

Let us argue for our standpoints without hurting anybodys feelings. I 
appreciate Fr. Thomas for actively participating in our discussions, as I 
found no other priests in this net doing it. Being an official 
representative of the Church, through Fr. Thomas we are able to know the 
standpoint of the Church. Also Father has shared in different view points, 
what is the real evil.

Now let me talk some of my experiences.

Once in a prayer group, people made a complaint against a brother who 
conduct the services found smoking outside after the prayer meeting. The 
leader of the group called a service team meeting and told generally to all 
the members that, those who smoke or drink, dont do any service.  After 
this announcement, the parish priest called the leader and advised dont say 
this again. You cant tell people to stop drinking or smoking.

I was attending a retreat in DRCM, and Fr. George Panackal in his homily, 
asked everybody to take a decision in front of the Blessed Sacrament to stop 
drinking and smoking. He even asked people to lift their hands, those who 
took that decision. In the time of offering he asked those who brought 
cigarette packets and bottles to put it in the offering tray and many people 
did it, as a sign of giving it up.

Many church fathers criticized the retreats in DRCM saying they are against 
Catholic faith, and one main reason they found is the above service.

I personally support all discouraging movements against smoking and drinking 
even if it is in a moderate way.  I dont say to ban it. But the church 
should not in favor of it, even if it is moderate. See the following 

Once a brother shared, when he stopped smoking, his child got a wonderful 
healing to his ear. Once an old aged lady shared with me, when she stopped 
the occasional drinking, her mentally retarded son got healing. A young man 
told, when he stopped smoking and occasional drinking he got a good job, 
after 6 years of graduation.  From this experience it is very clear, that 
drinking and smoking even in a moderate way is a spiritual block in our 
lives, to receive many blessings from God.

The face of the Church has been changed after the Charismatic Renewal in the 
Church. Laymen especially the youth are actively involved in the Gospel 
works.  The young generation is dedicating their lives for Jesus. They are 
giving up even the approved comforts of this world. This is the time what 
Prophet Joel prophesied.

The church should realize the new trend in the church, the dedication of the 
people.  When many youngsters coming up stopping their drinking and smoking, 
doing active service to Jesus, the statement of the church like  moderate 
drinking is ok or  there is no sin in drinking would either discourage or 
bring back the youth to their old style of life.

The church has corrected many of her mistakes after strong opposition from 
her own members. I think this is the time the JY should raise their voice 
against this evil.

Dear friends dont take my mail as anything personal. I have a request, at 
least everybody share their view instead of keeping silent.


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