Dear Joynetters

I refer to a mail sent earlier, warning not to open an email being sent by a
person 'S.K. Jain' as it contained a virus file. I would like to state that
Mr. S.K. Jain is the boss of the company i am working for and i have found to
my horror that somehow a "virus" that all of JOYNET are receiving is being
sent in his name. As I am working for an internet company i have already asked
my contacts to look into the matter. I would urge u that in case u do receive
any more files in the name of Mr. S.K. Jain PLEASE DONOT OPEN IT..... the most
u can do is just tell me the name of the attachment file. We do plan to lodge
a protest with the ISP where my boss and myself share our email account.... as
well as to how the encryption has been tampered with.  The approx size of the
virus file is 13.3 Kb so i heard.
I do sincerely wish to apologise for the inconvenience caused. Actually for
the last 10 days have been real bad for a lot of people whom i have
mailed....... have accused me of sending viruses..... something which i was
unaware of myself............ nor i am aware as to how such a thing can

for those who mail me.... kindly note my new email id :

urs in faith


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