Why God does not answer many of our prayers?
Many times we are waiting for HIS time to bless us. We all know God will
give us the BEST, but waiting always add restlessness in our mind.
There are times in my life I asked - Why our prayers are answering in delay?

Yesterday one of my friends was asking me - "Priya Do you know why our
prayers are answering in delay? She was giving me a new idea that -
In heaven there are some buckets for us to put all our prayer needs. When
this bucket is full & overflowing with prayers, our lord will bless each of
our intention! My friend in her innocent way was teaching me, my
prayers are not sufficient to attain my goal, or to grant my request. In our
small chat she tought me how important it is to pray -"CONTINUOUSLY"

Do you have any request in your life for which you are praying a long time
and still not answered?
Do you have any restless in your life thinking about your unfulfilled

If yes.... It's the answer -Till now your buckets in the heaven are not
filled with prayers! So let us pray continuously & let that bucket be full!

In this friendship week my friend ( Annie Berly) was reminding me -
"Pray with out ceasing!" Thanking God for such good friends in my life!

"Friend is not an object be possessed
But a subject to be cherished!"

Wish you all a Very Happy Friendship week!!! Let's cherish all our
friendship in Christ!

Praise God!


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