Dear Brethren in Christ,
>From the time I have come into the renewal through the Jesus Youth, I have
never felt short of friends in Christ.  In which ever part of the world you
are, you never feel lonely when you meet a Jesus Youth (wherever you go you
find a Jesus Youth, you may find in the other planets too).  You need no
introduction, You just become so close through Christ as the mediator.
I am born and brought up and worked in a busy city, Mumbai, and have come to
settle in a small state, Kerala (it is called a sleepy state).  But I find
Jesus Youth is full of life here.  I, my husband, my inlaws, or even my son
Isaac have no family meembers in Kerala, but I could carry on my daays
beautifully fo about a year (my husband was on a transfer) through the Jesus
youth telephonic contacts.  My mother-in-law comments that I have more
friends and telephone calls than her.  Because of Jesus youth friends and
programmes I know and can go alone to many places in Kerala than in
Mumbai.Even when I was least expecting marriage in my life (my elder sister
was unmarried then ) the Lord in his kindness gave me a Jesus Youth as my
life partner.  When we were childless for about four years the whole Jesus
Youth (some of whom I didn't even know) prayed for us.  And the Lord in his
Mercy gave us a son whom we named Isaac-the promised one after a long wait.
He has brought laughter into our lives.
And now the Joynet.  It has come as a blessing in disguise for me.  Now I am
just a housewife.  For the past two months I am confined to the home with a
severe backache.  I am improving, no doubt, thanx for your prayers.  Our
computer also was bought two months back.  The Joynet helps me to keep
contact with Jesus Youth worldwide so economically. PRAISE GOD!  The Joynet
gives me lot of joy and thrill.  I think I have become addicted to it.  The
youthfulness and challenges of this net made me to mistake Achayan to be a
young man.
I am happy to be living  in this age when God's own people irrespective of
their sex, age, casste, colour, race rite can come together FOR HIS KINGDOM
under one roof through this JOYNET.
Annie John, Kochi, India.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Smiju Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jesus Youth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Why Jesus Youth and Joynet so special ?

> Jesus loves u very much, my friends...
> 2 days before I was just thinking, why Jesus Youth and
> Joynet so special for me? I started thinking like that
> b'cas of Joshua Paul-Achayan. And Thanks to Joshua for
> putting this sparks in my thoughts.
> Most of us are part of different Youth movements, but
> what makes Joynet and Jesus youth so different for you
> ?
> You r tired of work, studies and u r too busy but you
> like to stay with Joynet. Why?
> What speciality you see in Jesus Youth and Joynet ?
> Could you please share ur thoughts?
> with lots of lov & prayers
> smiju joseph, abu dhabi
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