One day I was going for a Jesus Youth program.
The bus reached a main spot and stopped for a while.
A little girl came to bus, with shabby dress, squalid hair, dirty nails,
bleak cheek ...for us she was nasty or Slattern. She came to every one &
silently begged alms.Her actions conveyed the message of appetite.But none
of us in that bus, including me, gave a helping hand to her.

After few minutes she get down from the bus.
Her hungry looks impel me to took a coin & give a call to her.
But vanity hinders me to call her in loud voice & my low voice didn't could
reach her.Mean while She vanished some where in that busy traffic.
The bus left that stop... With out doing any aid the coin remained....

Later in HIS presence, to console myself I argued- How can I help all the
poor and needy in this world?
If I am giving them money, sometimes I will be encouraging their

Then HE, then mighty God remind me these verses ...
"When ever you possibly can, do good to those who need it" (Proverbs 3:27)

Many times we are burning our pockets for our own selfish interest...
If God give you a chance to help others, don't hesitate to spend little for
the needy. "When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the
Lord, and the Lord will pay you back." (Proverbs 19:17)

Ask God to give us a 'kind heart' to reach out and touch the needy.

Praise God!


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