Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
    There has been something that has really been bothering me for awhile.  I always 
see people end their e-mails with in the love of Jesus and Mary, but what about Saint 
Joseph?  Did he not have an important role in the life of Jesus too?  Mary would have 
probably been stoned to death if Joseph hadn't agreed to take her as his wife!  Please 
don't think that I think that Mother Mary is not important.  I think she plays a great 
role in our Catholic Faith.  I guess all I am saying is don't forget Saint Jospeh.  He 
too had a great impact on Jesus as he was growing up. There is no HOLY FAMILY, without 

Please forgive me if this does not make any sense to any of you.  I am sorry.  It is 
something I always wanted to say.

ok well please keep me in your prayers

In the love of Jesus, Mary and Jospeh
University Park, PA  USA
=) God loves You very much

PS. To lift you up, please read IS 41: 8-13 

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