Dear Stijo,
   The pot does not decide or question as to why and
how the  potmaker makes it.We all, being creations do
not have the wisdom to understand a lot of mysteries 
  of heaven.But a few things that I feel  are
  related to this are as follows

   Since God is Love, He probably would have created
man to share His Love.The Bible says that God created
man in His own shape and nature .
  All the other things in the world were created for
  man.And we see that man distanced himself
  from God .But God so Loved the mankind that he
  send his only Son to the world for its redemtion.

 God Bless


--- stijo  augustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                         j.m.j
>  i was speaking about the love of  Jesus to this
> friend of mine. i was telling him how much He cared
> for us. he listened patiently to all that i spoke
>  then put forward this question ......... 
>  any answers ....
>  thats all for now.ending with love and prayers
>  stijo 
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