hi everyone,
i have been tensed up and worried for two weeks now
regarding my first presentation on the research work i
had been carrying out from the begining of the year. 
to be honest, i was terrified at even imagining me in
front of that enormous audience!  but all through i
kept hearing God say, "it's my battle not yours".  i
obviously dd'nt believe Him becase i carried on being
nervouus about it and especially more as the days grew
nearer.  Anyway,ijust thank God for my friends who
just prayed for me and trusted God for me!  today was
the presentation and i am just amazed at the
results!!!  the truth is, ii was shaking so badly that
i couuld barely hold the pointer.  and so was my
voice.  after the prese4ntation ii thot everyone
clapped in sympathy for me, you know!  like "oh poor
girl, well atleast she finished her speach!" sort of
thing!  buut everyone kept coming back to me with
coments liike "you spoke very clearly and
uunderstandably!".  "your tone was just rght"  and
thngs like that!  "we enjoyed it".  Everyone's
comments emphasised the clarty of my voice! my friends
who watched the whole affair swear they could not hear
any kind of shakiness in my voice or see my hands
shivering or any sort of thing!
I asked God for the strenght to stand in front of that
audience, but i feel really dumb in front of Him now! 
obviously i hadn't understood what He'd been tellng me
the whole time!  or rather, i was too worried about my
self that i dd'nt notice what He'd been trying to tell
me the whole time!!!  "IT'S MY BATTLE NOT YOURS!".  
see, the thing is, i've battled with a very crippliing
fear of speaking in public for a very long time, and
have refused to let anyone help me on that.  so when i
came here to do my masters in research pharmacology,
ii knew that 'd have to be able to present my work and
i had told God then that because He had brought me to
this fiield, it wouuld be His duty to bring me out! 
in every aspect, you know!  
so i find it funny now to look back on my presentation
and realse that although i had done it, the output was
definitely not mine!  i mean, i was the one sayng it
and i couuuld hear myself, but obvously my audience
did not hear me the way ii heard myself.  they heard
me the way God wanted me to sound!  praise God for
that!  Praise God that He really is faithful to all
His promises!
wiith love,

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