Hey everyone....

I just wanted to share a couple of experiences I've had in the past few 
months, but most recently, in the past few weeks....

As we all go through it at one time or another, I've been going through that 
"desert experience"...but it was more than just in my prayer life.  It was 
also in my daily life....it felt monotonous and boring.  I just did 
everything I did, and saw no point to it.  Soon it spread to the ministry 
work I did as well.  Pretty soon, everything was "infected".  Fellowship was 
scarce for me.  I felt like I was standing by myself in the middle of the 
universe and didn't know where to turn.  I felt LOST.  Even music lost it's 
effect on me.  On top of all this, I was sick for about 3 months straight.  I 
guess a good way to sum it up was that I was living the life of Job.  :)

This past week, I think I was really able to see how blessed I am, and that 
God really does care for me and pick me up when I most need to be.  On 
Wednesday, I was in a minor car accident.  Nothing to even think about, just 
a few scratches to my car (and a tiny long hole) along the front right of my 
bumper, but it was the protection sent from above that saved me from further 
damage.  Then yesterday, I got to meet someone who didn't have the Lord in 
his life, and had no concept of what it means to live in Jesus.  I felt so 
sad for him b/c his character seemed so empty.  How can one live without the 
Lord??  I just can't even imagine it anymore.  In any case, I think the 
Lord's given me a chance to evangelize in a way that I haven't had in a long 
time.  Pray for his soul!!

This is the last thing I wanted to share... as I mentioned before, I was 
going through an extreme desert experience.  I happened to buy a new CD 
yesterday, and as I was reading the credits on the jacket, I came upon the 
artists comments.  They hit me profoundly as I felt I was standing in his 
shoes.  I felt his heart, his struggles through pain and growth.  Read on:

"FYI: this album was recorded between january 1998 and june 2001 mostly in 
the insufficiently air-conditioned room above Brian's garage.  Many of the 
vocals on this album were taken from the original song demos that had been 
paraded around town, in keeping with typical music business protocol.  These 
songs are intensely personal, and admittedly a bit selfish, as they have all 
in some way been a part of my own healing during three of the most 
discouraging years of my life.  It was during these few years that I 
discovered the meaning of grace, an epiphany that inspired "Leaving Lonely", 
which is probably my favorite song on this album.  It is my prayer that this 
collection of my innermost thoughts will inspire you to feel hopeful, and 
that you will realize the endless supply of comfort surrounding you as you 
navigate your own perosonal valley of the shadow...."Falling Awake" is my 
take on the contradiction that is the Christian experience...after all, faith 
walks hand in hand with doubt, hope is significant only in uncertainty, and 
we must all fall down in order to be lifted again.  Thanks for listening.  - 

He also said this in the thanks section: "Thanks also to God for patiently 
listening when the only prayer I could muster was 'why'".

How much more honest can you get than that?  It's the little ways that God 
works through artists like these that helps me to carry on in my trek to the 
gates of heaven, crawling as I may be.

I leave you with the lyrics to the song that attracted my soul to this 
artist's music... brothers and sisters, I present to you Paul Alan's "Have a 
Little Hope" (copyright 2001 My Reality Music [sesac])....

I was blind now I see
Chained to fear now I'm free
I was blind now I see
I wrote the book on apathy but
Now I care about something
I care about something
You can call me a fool 'cause
It's nothing I can prove
I just had to tell you
A million people try to find their way
Over coffee in this little cafe
Like the neon in the window
Some things will never change
Have a little hope on me
Nothing else in life is free
Have a little sweet release
This is everybody's cup of tea
I got lost one day in the saving grace
And there's more than enough for both of us so
Grab yourself a window seat and 
Have some hope on me
I was lost and alone
I was naked, I was cold
I was deaf now I hear and 
The sound is so clear
Would you come with me
To the symphony
Everybody's gotta run away
Everybody's gotta feel their way home
Everybody needs a reason
To feel anything at all
In the moonlight
Under a neon sign
This could change your life

Blessings to you brothers and sisters...

Love & Prayers,
Philadelphia, PA, USA

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