Dear friends,

                   Two days ago I mailed this network a prayer request and I was 
overwhelmed by prayerful assurances I recevied.I really felt like I belonged to this 
big'family-army' of God.Yestrerday when i went to work,I suddenly Felt a surge of 
powerful confidence surrounding me.Something that I've never felt before.I became calm 
cool and carried out my duties to the utmost satisfaction of my manager.Everyone 
arround me was shocked with the sudden overnight transition ,but I was'nt shocked 
because I knew it was my dear Jesus who was by my side all throughout the day.But the 
best is yet to be told.At the end of the day when I was about to go home after a good 
efficient day's work,I receive another call offering me a job with a higher pay.When I 
asked god for a little he gave me ten fold of what I asked for .Is'nt he sooooo good.I 
just can't keep thanking the Lord!!

                   Thank you Joynet for such wonderful friends,sisters/brothers!

                         Love Nandita Carvalho,    ( New Zealand).
Find a job, post your resume on Yahoo! Careers.

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