That was a noontime.
I was in my school chapel. A bonnie girl came to church. She knelt down and
prayed in front of the altar after that she did, 'Niskaram' (Muslim mode of
prayer) Then she glanced at the corner where I was seated. Her looks
prompted me to call her near. She seemed to be very moody.
I asked: " what happened to you, what are you praying for?"
"Nothing Miss"
"Then why did you came here?"
"Simply" an innocent answer.
Pointing to the crucifix I asked: "Do you know who is that?"
"Who is Jesus??"
Her answer was a big silence..
I expected that from her, because I know that she hails from a good Orthodox
Muslim family.

She avoided my earlier question and put forward a prayer request for her mom
who was admitted in hospital. She had a lot to share about her family and
mom. After her sharing, we jointly prayed for her mom.
I consoled her & said, "Jesus will take care of your mom & She will be back
from hospital today, "
Doubtfully she asked, "Today?"
"Yes" I replied.
Still I don't know from where I got the courage to say that affirming word.
With a thankful glance, she went out.
My little faith makes me to pray, " Lord reveal your power & convince her
that you are mighty GOD."

Next day noontime again she came to the chapel, knelt down and prayed.
This time she had big smile on her face and told "Miss my mom
came back yesterday itself."
Her face was so glad and her eyes were dancing with joy. Yes! there was
happy glow on her face. We together gave thanks to Jesus.
Again pointing to crucifix, I asked, "who is Jesus?"
Slowly but very clearly, she said: "GOD"

Looking in to her glittering eyes I only prayed - "Lord gave her more
chances to know about You and envelope her mind with Your love."
Now a days she regularly visits chapel and talk to Jesus.

This incident taught me share 'Jesus' to those doesn't know much about Him.
Friends don't hesitate to Talk about HIM; let others know HE is Mighty God!
We are His people, The Flock that He shepherds. So, share about His Love,
Power and Peace where ever you are!

Praise God!


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