"Go back home to  your family and tell them how much
the Lord has done for you and how kind He has been to
you"  Mk 5:19.

My dear friends,
When the blessings received are testified before
people, it not only gives glory to our creator, but
also helps increase the faith of the listeners.
So heres an oppurtunity; if you have have a
 testamony to share.
There's a manuscript to be published soon as a book
perhaps by the year end.
I would be very much grateful, if any of my joynet
friends will help me by sharing your testamonies and
life experiences preferably on the below given topics.

1) (a) Gods call in your life- ways in which he has
been using you to proclaim the good news
   (b) your early experiences/first experiences in
trying to reach out to people-believers/non-believers.
   (c) The difficulties you might have had to face
while trying to reach out and the way in which God
lifted you up.

2)Who is God to you?
(Your relationship with God-father/ friend.....)

3)Any experiences you might have had while you
--helped the poor/visited the sick/old age
homes/orphanages ......etc.

4)The inner conversion in you when you accepted Jesus
as your Saviour and Lord.

5)Any expereinces you might have had when you gave
away your tithes.

If any of you have had an experience in the above
areas and would like to make it known to people by
getting it published, please do send in your short and
crisp testamonies along with you name, email id and
postal address to my email id.

My email id : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your sister in Christ,

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