Hi friends,
            Praise the Lord...
Check out this statement from the statement realeased
by VATICAN.... 

Vatican Statement on Human Cloning 
(27 November 2001)

VATICAN CITY, NOV 27, 2001 (VIS) - Following is the
communique released
on NOV 27 by the Holy See Press Office regarding the
announcement on Sunday in the United States of the
successful cloning 
a human embryo:

   "The original article in the magazine 'The Journal
of Regenerative
Medicine', that the researchers of Advanced Cell
Technologies published
with the date of November 26, 2001, shows in all its
dramatic nature 
gravity of the event that has been realized: the in
vitro production of
a human embryo, as a matter of fact, several embryos,
that have been
developed, respectively, to the stage of two, four and
six cells. This
event was documented with clear color images from a
that point out the first phases of development of
these human lives,
which began not through the insemination of an egg
with a sperm, but by
activating eggs with nuclei of somatic cells.

   "The authors repeated that their intention is not
to give rise to a
human person. But what is it that they, as scientists,
call in their
article 'early embryo', an embryo in its initial
stages? Here we have
the bioethical question of 'when does human life
begin' returning once
again as a topical matter, though in all truth, this
is a question that
has never abated. Beyond the scientific event, in
fact, this remains as
the object of contention, being beyond doubt - as
indicated by the
researchers themselves  -  that here we find ourselves
facing human
embryos and not cells, as some would have us believe.

   "The event therefore, powerfully, brings us to
repeat with force 
the beginning of human life cannot be fixed by
convention at a certain
stage of development of an embryo; it exists, in
reality, at the very
first instant of existence of the embryo itself. This
is understood 
easily in the 'human' method of insemination between
egg and sperm, but
we must learn to recognize it also in the face of an
'inhuman' method,
such as that of the reprogramming of a somatic nucleus
in an egg cell;
even with this method a new life can be created  -  as
unfortunately in the experiment that was announced - a
life that
preserves, in any case, its dignity just as that of
every human life
brought into existence.

   "Therefore, notwithstanding the declared
'humanistic' intentions of
those who announce amazing cures through this method,
that will go via
the cloning industry, a calm but firm evaluation is
necessary that will
show the moral gravity of this project and motivate
its unequivocal
condemnation. The principle that de facto has been
introduced, in the
name of health and well-being, sanctions, in fact, a
true and proper
discrimination among human beings based on the measure
of time of their
development (thus an embryo is worth less than a
fetus, and a fetus 
than a child, a child less than an adult), overturning
the moral
imperative that imposes, instead, the greatest care
and maximum respect
precisely of those who are not in a condition to
defend themselves and
to show their intrinsic dignity.

   "On the other hand, stem cell research shows that
other paths are
available, morally licit and valid from a scientific
point of view, 
as the utilization of stem cells that have been taken,
for example, 
an adult individual (there are many in each one of
us), from maternal
blood or from fetuses that were aborted spontaneously.
This is the path
that every honest scientist must follow to the end of
reserving maximum
respect for man, that is, for himself."

.../HUMAN EMBRYO CLONING/...    VIS 20011127 (610)

With Prayers,
Sanath Henry

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