Hello Friends,

I was reading that mails on abortion...
Both supporting and oppossing...
Just writing my thoughts... please  take it sportingly :-)
OK....  My knowledge in law and Indian Penal Code (IPC) is very much
But as an ordinary man in India, at times, the law seems bit FUNNY to me....

Killing a stray dog in the Bangalore city is illegal...
There is a law against killing stray dogs...
But killing a human being in his mother's womb is legal in Bangalore...
May be, in the eyes of the law, a dog is more precious than a child...
I don't understand it.....

There is a move by some groups in India to ban cow slaughter...
Yes... to bring a law against killing cows...
I didn't hear anybody oppossing it and saying it as fundamentalism...
But I am surprised to see people are labelled as fundamentalists,
when they try to bring law against killing human beings...
May be cows are more precious than human beings... as per law...
I don't know.....

Abortion is not just a religious issue...
It is nothing but BRUTAL KILLING...

Yes, God has given us the freedom to choose between good and evil..
But does this give freedom to kill my fellow beings??
Will the IPC keep silence if I decide to excercise that freedom
and kill somebody on the street??

What will be your opinion if your mother decides to excercise
that freedom and decides to kill you NOW??
Will you agree with her??
Then how can the same mother kill you when you were at
her womb??
Is there a different law depending on the age of the victim?

Isn't it funny that the law doesn't accept you as a human being
when you are in your mother's womb??
Then, can this law tell me, at what point of time I become a
human being??  Is that transformation happening in a labour room??

Funny LAW.... Isn't it??

Don't we have the responsibility to try and correct these anomalies
in the law...  National or international laws??
Atleast giving a try??   Is it fundamentalism??

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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