halloooo, u wonderful people it is me again, thankx
for all those sweet words of welcome and
encouragement. so i am posting my second mail.(josun
special thankx to you.)
many asked about my identity, well i thank my parents
for giving me a name which is less sophisticated. 
 i am an Indian, 28 years old batcholer and still
Wise, 12 th child of my parents, ( i think i am the
right person to talk about the family planning, i
regret that i was not there for the discussion!)my dad
is no more, mom is active at home in kerala, some of u
may also remember the tragic bus accident took place
in calicut where 5 jy friends were killed, Roy Joseph
is my brother.
well i am in  jy for the last 9 years. worked in
calicut for 3 years, trivandrum as a full timer for 1
year, madras(sorry chennai)for 2. 6 years, delhi for 3
years, now i am in australia. i think the best jesus
youth net work we have is  in australai( for i am the
only one i know so far ! if any one knows any one
other than me pl. let me know. ) but i am active with
the charismatic movement here. i will send those
details latter. 
nice to be in joy net, 
God bless you all 
 love you all heaps
jos mathew

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