Dear Joyneters,

It's so true that we cannot worship a God we don't know.
I sometimes feel that I am hanging in mid air trying to grasp
a God Who is trying equally hard (hilarious) to hide Himself.
But... that is not the whole picture.

We have a God whom we can get to know personally.
Yesterday I was going through the gospels, searching for the section of
Martha and Mary, to show my sister. The progress was slow... 'cause I
stopped at every single incident in Jesus' life. The part where He chooses
His disciples...
...when the woman is healed through His touch
...when Simon Peter's mother-in-law is healed by Him
...when He is accused falsely
...when He gets up early in the morning to pray
...when He is angry with the disciples for shooing away the children & when 
He blesses the children

It was wonderful to go through the pearls of experience in His life.

So many incidents from Jesus life that reveal who He is. I was thinking... 
"I make so many mistakes because I don't know who Jesus is (was and will be 

Apart from that, I am praying to a ghost when I don't relate to the Jesus 
in the Bible.
I have to know Him if I've to adore Him (praise and worship). And the best 
way to know him
is by peeping into the bible. I've found out from experience that it is 
easy to adorn Jesus
with qualities (bad and the seemingly-good ones) that He doesn't have, and 
go far away from Him. It's so sad!!

Yet, I realised I don't have to be in the dark. God HAS revealed His True Face.
I just have to be prepared to read the gospels and listen to His still 
small voice speaking to me.

we can pray, " Jesus, show us Your true face ... so that we may adore You 
alone and not the false image we may have of You. Fill us with Your Spirit 
so that we may learn how to converse with You
in a true and deep way. Cover us with Your precious blood and protect and 
cleanse us of all misconceptions."


Love in Jesus,

At 02:45 AM 12/4/01 -0800, you wrote:
>My dear Joynet Friends,
>If I do not know someone, I cannot praise and thank
>him.I need to know someone closer to praise and thank
>him for whatever it is.Regarding the Lord, same thing
>applies.When I come to know the Lord closer, I begin
>to praise and thank Him daily.By praising God, our
>faith increases in Him.In this x'mas, let us come
>closer to God who became man and lived among us.And
>peraise Him for what He is to each one of us in our
>May God bless you all.
>Love.....Fr.Simon Nelli sdb
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