dear all,

     I think iam deviating from the hot topics like cloning and dowry 
but i think some of you will find time to answer my doubts.
  When iam reading the bible yesterday i got the doubt that why people 
are not able to recognize jesus after his resurrection.

please refer to these passages in bible:

1.   john chapter 20:14

     and when she had thus said, she turned herself back and saw jesus 
standing and knew not that it was jesus.

same is the case with the two people going to emmaus

2. ST.luke 24: 13 - 31

i qoute only 15 and 16 verses

 and it came to pass that while they communed together and reasoned,  
jesus himself drew near and went with them.   But their eyes were holden that they 
should not knew him.

now why are they not able to recognize him.

please do reply your views

Biju Francis

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