Dear friends,

The question of whether dowry is evil or a nice practise by which a daughter 
gets a share in the property is a highly subjective question which depends 
largely on the way each of us practise this custom and our attitude towards 
the same.

The money given to a daughter at the time of her marriage by her parents has 
its advantages.This can be treated as a legitimate share of the daughter in 
her parent's property.It some times gives a financially smoother start for  
the new couple , rather than starting with absolutely no money of their 
own.In all these perspectives dowry is not problematic.It is just a gift 
that the parents happily give their daughter at the time of her wedding.

However the moment dowry becomes anything more it becomes a despicable 
evil.If dowry becomes the pivotal queston on the basis of which a person 
decides whether or not to marry another individual, when the
amount of dowry  becomes the deciding factor it becomes an evil that 
objectivises the women. Such  an attitude towards women undermine the value 
of their character and their person - it is an open insult to her 
personality .It reduces the woman to a mannequin with a price tag.

As long as dowry is a gift that parents give their daughers, the amount of 
which makes no difference as far as  the groom is concerned it is  
acceptable.But the moment it becomes the crucial and sometimes even the only 
deciding factor in a marriage proposal, it becomes a monstrosity that ought 
to be condemned.

However,slightly diverging from the issue, we have definitely come a long 
way from the time Abraham sent gifts of Gold and Silver while asking for the 
hand of Rebecca as his son Issac's wife.


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