December 1st I joined as a part time tutor as in Kendriya Vidhayalaya, a
central government institution in Cochin.
This school has its own specialty, which I never used to have.
Everyday starts with assembly and in between, the students' performs their
"special talents." Each day, each class is supposed to do this. In special
talents they usually recites poems, give talks of famous persons etc.
No single word of praise who created us!

That was my first class in that school. when I entered in to the class it
was full of noise, most of the students didn't hear my greetings to them.
Most of them used Hindi, which I don't know much.How to handle these Hindi
speaking pupils was my main problem. That thought made me nervous and I
closed my eyes for prayer. I over heard sarcastic comments and was sure that
nobody followed me.

Second day I repeated the same. I greeted them and closed my eyes & prayed
silently. " Lord pour your precious blood on us." This day too they made

On third day, there was a visible change in the class. Students responded my
greetings and I could hear one smart boy ordering others to keep quite since
I was praying. He howled like this - "aareai... .chup.... ree...Madam
prarthana karthi hai." (Keep silence madam is praying)
They didn't followed me that day too.

This day, the 4th day, was wonderful. A change had come over the class. More
or less class was quite, we greet each other and leader announced - "silence
please.. One minute prayer." I didn't expect a sudden change from these
howlers.So, I didn't closed my eyes and looked around....Yaa most of them
seriously prayed today.
Moreover, in our "Art" period we learned the song "My life is in you lord."
Next day students of Kendriya Vidhyalaya will perform this song in their
assembly, in "special talents" session.

You know, Lord is teaching me each moment that in this world 'there are lots
of opportunity' to share Him!
Don't miss any chance. Share Him where ever you are in your own ways!
Sure, God will bless every good deed that you are going to perform. So, set
out to do good deeds and to spread His kingdom.

He calls you.. "The harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it
in." (Matthew 9:37)

Praise God!


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