Dear all 

To add with the dowry issue ,I want to share something...
I met a person yesterday(catholic) .He have  five children..four of them are
girls .He's working in middle east for the past 20 years 
He said.... all these 20 years his main aim was to get enough money(dowry)
for the marriage of his four daughters ..Now he accomplished one third of
his target, three of his daughters got married in "good manner" and now one
more left. He said.... "now I'm so week, I don't want to work any more but I
have to work as my younger child(kunju mol) is not yet married ,.Once I have
enough money(Rs. 5 lac , Base line  for a middle class family)  I 'll go
back and take rest, he continued .....for all these years he was away from
his family...(to accomplish his task!!)

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