Dear Sony and All My Friends,

What Sony shared with all of us was not just a Miracle.  Moresoever it was a
personal experience of God's saving power.  It was an expression of
thankfulness to our Beloved God who loves us more than we can ever imagine.
His love knows no limits.  God is always working in our lives and this only
that person can tell who experiences the work of God in small things in
life.  When we loose something or when we are facing failure or tension or
any problem and difficulty, God is more concerned that we are out of the
same more than us.  Here I would like to share my personal experience.  I
had been to Divine Retreat Centre last week along with Jason and his family
(All Thanks to Welchy) and it was a wonderful experience and I would like to
share one of the same.

During counseling on the last day of the retreat as we were praising and
thanking God, Sister revealed to me 2 names, one was my Cousin sister and I
knew what God wanted me to pray for her however the other name she revealed
was of my colleague in the office.  I didn't know what I had to pray for her
but as told by sister, I prayed for her simply by surrendering her to God
and asking His will to be done.  When I rejoined my office yesterday, I
related the entire incident to her and she was taken aback.  She confided to
me that on Friday in the afternoon she was very tensed and was going through
a very serious problem.  She felt so much better when I told her that more
than her God is worried about her and is so much willing to take care of her
problems.  This colleague of mine is a Non-Christian who knows very little
of Jesus and Trinity.  Our God is always with us whoever we are or wherever
we are.  Thank You Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my Lord for taking care of
our problems and for your constant Love and Care for there is no one Like

It's so nice to know that we have a Loving God who eyes are constantly
watching us and whose hands are always stretched to hug us whenever we feel
sad or depressed, who smiles with us when we are happy and wipes our tears
when we cry, who is always by our side whenever we feel lonely and
OUR SIDE.  Let us pray to God Almighty who humbled Himself so much for our
sake., to open our eyes that we be able to see Him, to open our ears that we
be able to hear Him, to open our hearts that we may experience His presence
within us and feel his love alive in us whenever we listen to our heart
beat.  He is Always With Us only we have to believe that because where else
can He go His dwelling place is our Heart.

Love & Prayers

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sony Stanly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] miracles

> Dear friends in Joy Net,
> Wish you all a very Happy New Year.
> I am seeing every time when I am opening my hotmail so many mails from my
> friends in joy net with different nice stories and the miracles of the
> almighty to their life. Even in my life also my lord has done so many
> miracles in my life also. But from among all that miracles my lord has
> for me a great miracle in my life is on 31st Dec-2001, that miracle I
> forget ever in my life. My lord has given back my mother from death. You
> know if god's mercy was not there this year will be a sorrowful year for
> But my god has saved me from all the sorrows that can happen. You know on
> 31st December my mother was preparing foods for the party on 1st Jan 2002.
> when she was cooking the gas stove's one knob was burned and it was not
> working properly. So she asked to my brother what to do. Then my brother
> came and checked it and told that no problem you can use the other knob,
> do not touch the other knob. Actually my brother was also not knowing
> the danger in that. After saying to her this he went out. When my mother
> lighten the stove the fire has blown up like any thing. One second she was
> not knowing what to do. But the same time god has shown her one way. She
> having one towel in her hand. She started to fan herself towards the fire
> with that towel which is in her hand. While doing that she started to call
> Jesus  loudly and she off the gas cylinder.  Then also the fire didn't
> She started to praise the god loudly then automatically the fire off. My
> did not allow the fire to burn even a hair of her body. Lets all praise
> for the wonderful miracle he has done. My mother has seen the death so
> closely and came back to life. If we believe 'even the rock can move from
> its place.' This is what god has teached us right. It came true in my
> Praise god and thank god for all the miracle he has done in my life. I
> praise god for giving my mother back to me.
> With lots of love prayers,
> Sony Stanly
> Sharjah , U.A.E
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