I fully agree with Jennifer.  Yes, in HIS time, HE makes all things
beautiful, in HIS time.
Today, while sending Isaac to school I met a lame, hindu boy names Renjit
from our neighbourhood.  He is an electrical engineer, not having a proper
job for the past six years.
I asked him, whether he is having a job somewhere.  He replied in the
negative.  And said that it was Vidhi (fate).  I actually get very angry
when people tell like this.  But since he is a poor hindu boy, I tried to
control my temper, because the Lord has given me a chance to correct him and
I utilised that opportunity to the fullest.
So I said,"Every thing that happens in our life is with the Lord's
Knowledge.  Nothing bypasses the Lord.  The Lord sees that every thing that
happens turns out to be for our benefit".  (Jer 29:11).
He said,"I made many mistakes, I didn't try for a proper job and wasted many
I said,"What is gone, don't regret about it, pray to the Lord Jesus and try
your best.  Because it it not by chance that you have become an electrical
engineer.  It is in the Lord's plans.  HE will surely give you a good job".
Then he said,"I am lame, so I have a complex that I cannot do things
I said," The Lord gave you a seat in engineering, since you are lame.  Take
your handicap as a special gift from the Lord, you will get a better job
than the normal people.  You can go well ahead of them in your career".
I thank the HOLY SPIRIT for guiding me throughout the conversation.
Please do pray for him.
Praise God!
Annie John, KOchi, India.
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